machines edge preparation

Edge Preparation

Technologies for High Performance Surfaces and Cutting Edge Preparation


We provide:

  • Technology
  • Equipment
  • Process
  • Training
  • Support

for surface activation, deburring, edge preparation, and post finishing for particular applications.


  • Drag finish
  • Stream and Drag finish
  • Microblasting
  • Dryblasting
  • Wetblasting
  • Polishing

Examples application:

PARDUS Drag- & Streamfinish:

  • end mills, drills and other shank tools
  • various medical application (e.g. femoral implants)
  • Compacting & piercing punches

PARDUS Dragfinish double container:

  • deburring and polishing tool holder

Wet or dry blasting:

  • Hobs
  • shaper cutters
  • molds or dies