The base for a smooth coating is a defect free etching technology

PD2i’s new High Performance Ion Etching Process: HPIES – The Perfect Precision for Etching

  • Improved etching rate
  • Enhanced homogeneity + no droplets after etching = smoother coatings
  • Etching can be adapted on tool type (e.g. inserts / drills / end mills/ hobs / Micro tools)
  • Outstanding coating adhesion and a perceptibly positive impact on tool performance, service life and reproducibility
  • Lower impact on substrate material (e.g. better temperature control)
  • Preservation of well-prepared cutting edge
  • Improved cleaning / etching effect in chip flute

– Strong etching
– No droplets
magnification 1200 x

– Less etching effect
– Droplets
magnification 1200 x